“Within minutes it was clear that talking with Jani was exactly what I needed to help me on my path...”
- Luna M. - Carpenter
Create a life you really LOVE, that brings you Joy, Freedom, Balance and Wealth!
Deep within you know what your “True Nature” is all about. It is your inherent likes & dislikes, it’s the you that’s buried below the layers of people pleasing, socialization by family and society as a whole, “fitting in”, doing everything for everyone except for yourself…
Together, we will rediscover your True Nature.
Because right now, life sucks a little bit. You are feeling a bit stuck. Unsatisfied. You are not quite miserable in your current life, but blobbing along, unsure what the purpose of it all is. You are great at your job – but you don’t love it. You try to love it, but deep down you know that this isn’t what you are supposed to be doing with your life.
There is something not quite right, and it’s difficult to put your finger on it. There is nothing exactly “wrong” with your life. But it doesn’t feel amazing either.
Sound familiar?
I get it. I was you.
I would wake up early to go to a job I mostly hated, with people I had nothing in common with. I worked my butt off as a Carpenter’s apprentice, making someone else a lot of money, while it was breaking my body. I was too tired, disgruntled and fed up with my “Day life” that I just wanted to zone out on Netflix in the evenings.
I spent the weekends in a frenzy, packing as much fun and social interactions into the two days, because before long it was Monday again. I started to wonder, is this it?! Seriously? There is no way that this is everything there is in life! My only purpose is to go to a job I don’t like, and spend WAY more time with my coworkers than my family?
I don’t believe it. Do you?
Thank goodness I was introduced to Martha Beck, Brené Brown, Jill Bolte Taylor, Vishen Lakhiani and so many other beautiful souls who believe and know that there is more to this crazy life.
It has become clear that:
… we are all connected
… we all have a greater purpose in life than “living to work”
… love is at the center of everything
… living our best lives means we can uplift others and help them do the same
… We are all allowed to shine brightly, and show ourselves authentically to the world
… I am not the exception, and neither are you. There are so many people like us, who want to live their life in a way that makes them happy and feel fulfilled.
My crazy journey has brought me here, to fulfil a part of my purpose. It’s to support you in creating a life that you love! To find your way back to your true nature, and figure out what you are supposed to do in this life. To overcome obstacles, struggles and limiting beliefs to free yourself to live the fabulous life you are meant to live.
It’s not about finding the best way to live,
but about your way to live.
I struggled through my troubles, discoveries, and changes with books and podcasts. They are amazing and a big part of why I am here. Additionally, I have been thoroughly trained to coach people through their struggles. Now I can honestly say, that talking things through with a Life Coach like me, instead of trying to do it all yourself, is nothing short of Life changing. It’s still not easy, but having someone in your corner to support you, exploring uncomfortable limiting beliefs together that are keeping you stuck… Now, that’s magic.
I still don’t know it all or have it all figured out (thank the universe, that would be a LOT of pressure!). And that’s half the fun! I am still learning every day: letting go of people pleasing & perfectionism, and improving my self-compassion. Letting go of the need for certainty, and nurturing my intuition and trust in Faith / the Universe / God / the Oneness that surrounds us all. Letting go of self-doubt and “supposed to”, and instead cultivating work I find meaningful.
What’s standing in the way of where you want to go?

Let’s have a powerful and life changing conversation together!
Sometimes just a small amount of coaching can make a huge difference by creating a ripple effect of positive change in your life. Our first session is always free of course. None of that sales pressure stuff. This is about you and your life. I am here for you, whenever you are ready to say “heck yeah, let’s do it!!”
Let’s find out if you and I are meant to go on this journey together!